Dear friends and colleagues,
In recent years, the Association of Graduates of Universities and Institutes of the Soviet Union has developed and reinforced its role in order to promote friendly, cultural, scientific and commercial relations between Lebanon and Russia. It has also helped in spreading the knowledge of both the Russian language and culture in Lebanon. Its main priority is to unite the existing graduates and to attract new ones, irrespective of their political background and personal interests.
Every year, with the support of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, the Alumni Association organizes the local celebrations of The Day of Victory and The International Women's Day on March 8th. On the occasion of the Day of Victory, the Association organizes a festival day of football games, where amicable matches are held between the alumni teams and embassy ones. Moreover, The Association also distributes in Beirut and various Lebanese regions, and for the same celebration, posters and banners covering the victory over fascism during the Great Patriotic War.
Also, the Association’s main concern is to actively promote the College education pursuing in Russia for Lebanese students. The number of students showing interest in following high education in Russia has increased in the past few years and recently, the Association has been designated to undertake the role of Vice-President for the Global Alumni Alliance.
The Alumni Association will carry on in its endeavor towards the strengthening of the bilateral relation between Russia and Lebanon. One of its main concerns is to encourage and facilitate the Russian language learning and raise culture exchange awareness.
We wish all colleagues continuous progress and success.
Administrative committee
The end of the year 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union, and gained on the shoulders of the Association of professional universities and the Institutes of the Soviet Union additional missions, come on her head, the task of continuing alone the graduates of the Commonwealth of independent states. Has appeared to the side of the Alumni Association, the association and graduates of the states of the former Soviet Union, participated by the Alumni Association in its activities and supported to maintain the unity and good of the graduates.
Move the Assembly to support students holders of university scholarships from the universities and institutes of Russia Federation, loan to study in the country, providing them with the information required for difficulties and the progress that might encounter them, and follow them year by year, to reach the stage of graduation. Hernia of the assembly without the awareness – mentoring for students holders of university scholarships from the Russian Federation to study at the University, where the meeting is held annually in the center of the pool in which those students with loved ones, such as travel to Russia, to explain the difficulties and progress that may pass by the student the Lebanese in Russia. Since September 2010.
Уверен, что ваша работа будет способствовать дальнейшему наращиванию международного гуманитарного сотрудничества, развитию отношений доверия и взаимопонимания между Россией и Ливаном.
Отношения между РЦНК и Ассоциацией очень прочные. Можно сказать, что мероприятия, которые организованы РЦНК в Бейруте и регионах, такие как конференции, съезды, торжественные вечера состоялись при активном содействии АВВСССРЛ.
Мы высоко ценим роль Aссоциации в объединении выпускников советских и российских вузов разных специальностей под одной крышей. Мы приветствуем деятельность ассоциации по пропаганде нашей страны на международной арене.
Выпускники вузов СССР и России являются надежными соратниками росзагранучреждений в Ливане, выступают с интересными инициативами, содействуя нашей деятельности. Мы ценим их большую роль в наборе на учебу в России ливанской молодежи.